My grandmother bought this pressure canner used from an extended family member at least fifty years ago. It's probably more like sixty. I can't imagine how many jars of vegetables it's processed over … [Read more...]
How to Lead (or Not) a Summer Bible Study
I'm leading a Bible study at my house for the summer. I wanted to be the hostess and just offer my house, but it's morphed into something that looks quite different than what I had envisioned. Isn't … [Read more...]
Move That Book?
Here's what happened last night. Yep. That's Ty Pennington of Home Extreme Makeover Edition. Back in the day, my family watched it every week. We loved the story about the families and seeing the … [Read more...]
Speaking Fees…Yes or No?
An interesting question popped up from the post I wrote after no one attended one of my library events. Someone commented that people might have shown up if I had charged a speaking fee. I … [Read more...]
Taking a Year Off
This year I’m studying People of the Promised Land I with Bible Study Fellowship. It’s the beginning part of what used to be the Israel and the Minor Prophet study. We’ve been studying David’s life … [Read more...]
To Run or Not to Run
I signed up to run in another 5K, and I've been apologizing to my former self ever since. A few years ago I gave myself the gift of never running in another 5K. I had run in several. Five makes … [Read more...]
Happy New Year, four days late! I'm trying to catch up from all the celebrations in the last few weeks--Thanksgiving, Ranger School Graduation (!!), Christmas--so here I am writing about resolutions … [Read more...]
How to Avoid Confrontation
I don't like confrontation. I don't like being yelled at. For these reasons and others, I never post about current events on Facebook, and I just scroll through posts that begin with a viewpoint I … [Read more...]
Anyone for Tea?
Near the beginning of Rescued Hearts, Brett brews hot tea for Mary Wade. An early reader mentioned to me that she couldn’t imagine her husband making tea for her. Tea may seem like a feminine … [Read more...]
Girl Scout Picture
Mary Wade teaches a Girl Scout group to crochet in Rescued Hearts. I loved my experience as a Girl Scout. Here’s a picture of the group with whom I camped, sold cookies, and earned … [Read more...]