Let's just get this straight. I hate running 5Ks. Even so, I find myself running 5Ks . Here's a list of some of the 5Ks I've run: Quinn's Eagle Project--run to add children's books to our … [Read more...]
Flag Day 2020
June 14th is flag Day. This year the day fell on a Sunday. I try to avoid social media and working on Sunday, so I'm posting pictures of our flag today instead of yesterday. Here it is with the … [Read more...]
Musical Inspiration for Forever Music
When my husband and I were dating in Charlotte, NC, we frequented a little pub called the Red Door Tavern for quick suppers. One night as we were eating, an older gentleman, probably my age now, … [Read more...]
I Apologize
This week has been a hard week in the United States. On Monday I saw a comment on a Facebook post of someone I consider like a son. (Let's call him Joe.) I have two white biological sons, but I … [Read more...]
My Little Free Library
I asked for a Little Free Library for Christmas, 2017, and my brother made me one. (I just forgot to write a post about it.) It's planted at the end of our driveway and now is filled with all kinds of … [Read more...]
Drive-By Book Launch Covid-Style
In North Carolina, we're still in the modified phase two of reopening the state. Some businesses are open, but libraries aren't fully functional yet. I wanted to have a book launch at my public … [Read more...]
Memorial Day 2020
Today is Memorial Day. That's the day we remember people who have died while serving in the United States Armed Services. They're the ones who fought for our right to rant on Facebook, disagree … [Read more...]
Remember the Orchid
My orchid is still blooming at our house. I never thought of myself as an orchid person. I never really wanted one because I thought they were too fussy...until someone gave me one. Unfortunately, … [Read more...]
I Love Libraries
Libraries are an important part of my life, and I’ve included them in each of my stories so far. Until Forever Music, libraries have received only a mention here and there, but in this story, a … [Read more...]
Happy Release Day for Forever Music!
Today is the release day for my fourth novel, Forever Music! Hooray! Some people call it a book birthday. I understand that, but I feel it's more like the first day of kindergarten. Readers with … [Read more...]