I posted about Halloween way back in 2019. Go here to read more about the holiday at our house.

2 Pocahontas-es and 2 dinosaurs

And the backs!
This is one of my favorite pictures of Halloween. The girls are Trick or Treating their father back at our house. Not the greatest picture in terms of photo skills, but the joy on their faces!

With the next-door friends, Anna is Miss July 4th (look closely for the American flags in her pig tails. The rest of her red, white, and blue costume is hard to see. Then Hattie is Raggedy Ann beside Amy as Raggedy Andy. Lane is Davey Crockett; Jake is a scary skeleton; and Quinn is an Indian.

A few years earlier, Anna is the Tooth Fairy. Amy is next, but I don’t remember her costume! Hattie is a princess. Jake is a baseball player. Quinn is a rabbit, and Lane is the carrot.

Lane is a duck, and Quinn is a chipmunk.

Hattie and Amy up close!
Oh, what I couldn’t do with some sweat suits, felt, Rit dye packs, and a hot glue gun!
Halloween was always a good time at our house. I hope you get lots of candy tonight!
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