February was a hard month, and I’m relieved to see it in the rearview, to be perfectly honest.
After my family, two of the most important parts of my life–my church and my local public library were experiencing tough challenges, especially last month.
Church and Library
The church was finalizing an almost year-long new lead pastor search after our former pastor of nearly twenty years retired. The library board was going head-to-head with the town board in building a new, shared (using this term loosely here because actually we have two buildings with a shared wall, a shared lot, and shared parking spaces) building.
Middleman Syndrome
As chairperson of the library board, I found myself in the middle between the former town board who began the project a few years ago and the present town board who doesn’t exactly get along with the former board. I also felt the weight of many donors who had donated $428,000. Yes, that’s the correct amount. No typos.
Spiritual Warfare
I definitely felt a spiritual warfare for most of February. I constantly had to drag my mind from rehashing conversations, both imagined and real. The upside to the conflict was that I was in constant contact with God.
Way before breakfast one morning toward the end of February, I wrote two emails in which I described myself as “weary.” When it was time for my Bible study and quiet time, I knew my head wasn’t in the best place for it, so I prayed for God to remind me Who He is. Then I grabbed my box of scripture praise cards I copied from my Bible years ago.
Look at the first card in the stack and notice the second and third verses.
Exactly the same word at exactly the perfect time.
My God sees me. My God knows.
Praise God!
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