A young Mr. & Mrs. Toler.
February 3 would have been my parents 65th anniversary. They were high school sweethearts, so their love story endured for longer than their marriage. They missed the big milestone by 49 days, but we celebrated their life together all day long with treats and meals and gifts and calls and visits.
I love this old picture from their early days together. Daddy is so handsome, and Momma is beautiful, too. Does anyone else think he’s got a little Elvis Presley going on?
Their Legacy
They have two children, eight grandchildren, one grandson-in-law, a great grandson and another one due to be born any day now. They taught a young married Sunday School class for years and mentored many couples, nurturing other families by sharing their love and wisdom.
This next picture is from 2009. I love this one, too, because their smiles are so genuine. They weathered many storms together and enjoyed a multitude of blessings.

A mature but still attractive couple!
I’m grateful to have had them as parents.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
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