It's the end of January, and I'm sharing sights from my recent walk. I'm excited to see these brave flowers show their colors soon! Daffodils peeking their heads above ground in January aren't … [Read more...]
Want Creamy Mushroom Soup Recipe?
The color of this cream mushroom soup isn't all that attractive, but my, oh, my, the flavor! I love it. You can find the recipe here. In fact, you'll find twenty-one recipes at that site. I changed a … [Read more...]
Happy New Year!
It's almost the middle of January, and my Christmas amaryllis is blooming. I'm behind already, too. No worries. I've got a to-do list, and I'm working on it. I'll cross everything off … [Read more...]
Merry Christmas!
I'm stepping away from the oven to share a few of my favorite Christmas pictures. Here's one from way back in the day. I love it because it gives a peek inside what our house was like back then. … [Read more...]
Happy December?
Is December a happy time for you? Or are you like me this year--feeling a bit melancholy, maybe overwhelmed during these last weeks in 2022? Do you remember the story of Jonah? A big fish swallowed … [Read more...]
Dougherty Thanksgiving 2022
The latest Dougherty holiday is in the books, and before November closes out, I'll write a quick post. Despite losing three family members over the last year, we managed to have a wonderful day. … [Read more...]
I posted about Halloween way back in 2019. Go here to read more about the holiday at our house. This is one of my favorite pictures of Halloween. The girls are Trick or … [Read more...]
Book Signing in the ‘Burgh
Our first book signing for Forever Home happened in my favorite bookstore, Riverstone Books in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Lovely old friends and new friends and family stopped by to say … [Read more...]
Is Refinishing Pianos a Real Thing?
This is a picture of the refinished piano in my parents' home. It's an old upright that had been a player piano. I learned to play beginning in third grade, one hand and one note at a time. Sometimes … [Read more...]
How to Entertain in the 1950’s
When I bought Betty Crocker's Guide to Easy Entertaining at a used book sale back in the 90's, I just thought it was cool. I didn't realize it was a first edition. I didn't realize it'd play a role in … [Read more...]