August is my birthday month, and I want you to help me celebrate! Keep your money, however. Write book reviews instead, please! How do I write book reviews? Don't know how? A good friend of mine … [Read more...]
How do You Like Your Frozen Yogurt?
Confession time. I have loyalty cards for five different frozen yogurt shops. Two are for the same business but different locations. I love frozen yogurt. I do try to make the treat healthy by … [Read more...]
Sour Dough Baking and COVID Project
Have you been working on COVID projects at your house? I've cleaned out closets and drawers. We've purged some unnecessary items from our house. I've also tried a lot of new recipes. One of the new … [Read more...]
Do You Write Bread and Butter Notes?
Do you write bread and butter notes? Maybe I should ask have you ever heard of bread and butter notes? If you think these are thank you notes, you're basically correct; however, they're a … [Read more...]
Announcing a New Publishing House!
My books just got acquired by a new publisher, Scrivenings Press. To celebrate, the new publishing house is hosting a Facebook party on Tuesday night, July 7th from 6-8:30 CDT. (That's 7-9:30 EDT.) … [Read more...]
Easter a New Way
I wrote the rough draft of this post on April 10th, Good Friday and then promptly forgot it. I'd been a little melancholy all week because of the stay-at-home order to flatten the Covid-19 curve. … [Read more...]
Running 5Ks and Forever Music
Let's just get this straight. I hate running 5Ks. Even so, I find myself running 5Ks . Here's a list of some of the 5Ks I've run: Quinn's Eagle Project--run to add children's books to our … [Read more...]
Flag Day 2020
June 14th is flag Day. This year the day fell on a Sunday. I try to avoid social media and working on Sunday, so I'm posting pictures of our flag today instead of yesterday. Here it is with the … [Read more...]
Musical Inspiration for Forever Music
When my husband and I were dating in Charlotte, NC, we frequented a little pub called the Red Door Tavern for quick suppers. One night as we were eating, an older gentleman, probably my age now, … [Read more...]
I Apologize
This week has been a hard week in the United States. On Monday I saw a comment on a Facebook post of someone I consider like a son. (Let's call him Joe.) I have two white biological sons, but I … [Read more...]