February was a hard month, and I'm relieved to see it in the rearview, to be perfectly honest. After my family, two of the most important parts of my life--my … [Read More...]

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February was a hard month, and I'm relieved to see it in the rearview, to be perfectly honest. After my family, two of the most important parts of my life--my … [Read More...]
February is the time for love and for an e-book SALE! All my books with Scrivenings Press will be on sale for 99 cents from now till February 17th. Go fill … [Read More...]
Here's a beautiful new beginning to a New Year. I hope your New Year has begun in a positive way. I had to begin with the lucky foods, of course. From … [Read More...]
From our house to yours, I wish you every happiness this year! May your days be merry and bright as you consider the greatest Gift ever, Jesus Christ, the One … [Read More...]
You still have time to load your e-reader with great books during the Black Friday Sale. Mine are 99 cents along with almost 200 more books in all kinds of … [Read More...]
Tis' the season to reminisce on blessings. A popular finance person likes to say, "better than I deserve." I understand that sentiment when I think of my overflowing … [Read More...]
Can you guess where I've traveled to in September? Would this picture help? How about this one? Surely, you've guessed by now, but here's another … [Read More...]
For the past few years, I’ve been on a journey of discovery–about writing, about myself, and about God’s faithfulness … Click HERE to read more.